As Avon Reps, we have the opportunity to be a party of many different shows/events/etc. There are events. And then...there are EVENTS!! This...was one of those! :)
Scene 1: I arrived a bit late (partly due to well needed allergy meds and mostly due to disgusting traffic on Loop 820), late nonetheless. So there is unloading, walking the fairway looking for my little table marked AVON. Notta. :( Ok...lets ask someone. That person sent me to another section, someone there sent me to another section, someone there sent me to another section and pointed to a woman in a purple top. She leads me to a table and says it is for me...although there are some really unhappy looking professionals with suitcases on wheels standing in front of it. "Are you sure this is my table?" She assures me it is and rounds up some of the girls in the fraternity to help carry in all my goodies.
Scene 2: I point to my car (with the pink AVON license plates) and we all gather up a few boxes and back to my table...where the unhappy looking professionals are still standing? I have all my boxes and a frat girl guarding my goodies - so I can go move my car to the "approved parking section". 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 steps and then "eeeeeerk!" You could hear me put on the brakes as I literally stop dumbfounded in front of another AVON booth...just two tables down!!? What? Crap. What to do now? Leave? Stay? Say hi? Well...for now - keep moving because my car is in the "loading only" zone. Hop in the car and make an immediate phone call to ask what I should do. I was praised, motivated and re-energized. Of course I'm staying!! So off to set up my booth. :)
Scene 3: All set up. The only thing seperating me from the other AVON booth is a Scentsy table and a Mary Kay table. The 2 ladies manning the table were sitting behind it - I was in front of mine handing out goodie bags, generating interest in the products I had on display and chatting it up with the booths on either side of me. An hour later - the ladies at the other Avon booth had decided to give out goodie bags too - but were still standing behind the booth. From that point on - if someone came by my booth after passing theirs I looked to see if they had one of their bags. If not, I smiled and invited them over. If so, I smiled and looked to the next person. I don't want to be "that girl" so no competing! In addition I sent a message to the DJ asking for a shout out. He announced that I had SSS Bug Guard and Suncscreen for sale at my table. "Go see Cat the Avon Gal" he said. Lovin' it!
Scene 4: I am having such a GREAT time!! Here is the scoop: Trendy/Hip DJ, good music, The Cupid Shuffle, mud wrestling (in pottery clay), Star Wars light saber duels, zombies (yes! walking all around and even doing the Thriller dance!!), lots of traffic, good conversation, more dancing and just plain FUN!! Turns out...the unhappy business people? Bankers moved to the next table over (off the main walkway) so I could have thier table. Why? Because the only other available one was right next to the other Avon table.
Scene 6: Time to put my booth away and go home. I am beat!! Whew! What a day. Why am I so tired?! Pack it up. Load it up. In the car. Done. :) ....wait a minute.....something doesn't feel right.
Scene 7: Phone call from a woman that sold Avon for 36 years just got a book from her grandaughter and wants to place an order. Sweet!
Scene 8: EPIC FAIL!!!! What Avon lady (that happens to be red-headed & fair skinned) sets up her booth at an outdoors event (although she thought it was going to be indoors) makes it a point to display and announce that she is selling SSS Bug Guard with Sunscreen - and doesn't apply it to herself?!!! <------THIS ONE. :~( UGH!!!!!!!! What a moron!! Yep. Sunburned. Bad. :( Clothes hurt, shower hurts...heck even the aloe with lanocain hurts. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
So...lesson learned. Painfully. Still...the day as a whole? A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Bittersweet...but Awesome! :)
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